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Design Technology

Students at NE School benefit from a modern and progressive Design and Technology department with 6 experienced teachers and excellent facilities including: two product design multi-media workshops, a graphics room, two food technology rooms, a textiles room, an engineering workshop, and a CAD/CAM suite.


Design and Technology prepares pupils to participate in tomorrows rapidly changing technologies. They learn to think creatively to solve problems, improve the quality of life, develop ideas and make products and systems. The course combines practical skills with an understanding of aesthetics, social and environmental issues, function and industrial practices.

Key Stage 3

In Years 7 - 8 all pupils receive two Design and Technology lessons per week. Year 9 pupils select an option route of Product Design or Food and Textiles for three lessons each two-week cycle. The curriculum follows a course of study and pupils gain opportunities to work in all of the following Design and Technology subject areas:


  • Product Design - compliant materials
  • Product Design - non-compliant materials
  • Systems and Control
  • Food Technology
  • Textiles Technology


Within each area pupils have the opportunity to work with a range of tools, materials and ingredients to design and make a variety of different and exciting products.


For Years 10 and 11 pupils can opt to take one of the following four OCR Design Technology GCSE courses:

  • Product Design
  • Food Technology
  • Textiles Technology

Assessment for a GCSE qualification in a Design subject consists of both coursework and examination as follows

COURSEWORK - (60% of final mark)

EXAM - (40% of final mark)


Extra Curricular

Extra-curricular courses available through Design and Technology include:

  • Robo Challenge Club
  • F1 in Schools Engineering Club (from September 2008)

AS & A Level

AQA Product Design 3D Design working with compliant and non-compliant materials.

Our Subjects